Grow Quality Strawberries

Grow Quality Strawberries

Growing strawberries requires knowledge of the needs of the plant, from the climate to soil, to the specific water requirement for each variety.

The opportunity for strawberry farmers

The strawberry plant is sensitive to the irrigation regime. Attention to the management of the precision irrigation system is therefore necessary to ensure success in all environments. 

Strawberry cultivation has always been one of the most popular fruits and represents an important opportunity for those who decide to grow it. This is achieved if the needs of the strawberry are constantly kept under control, avoiding any water stress, both during the flowering phase and during ripening and harvesting.

How precision irrigation can help you

A precise assessment of irrigation volumes and the exact time of irrigation intervention contribute to an efficient and correct use of water and nutrients. The drip system makes it possible to avoid water wastage by adjusting the amount of water according to need an wetting the strawberry at the base or on the ground, without wetting the leaves. This prevents the formation of fungal diseases such as verticylosis oidium and necrosis. Furthermore, our automation systems offer easy monitoring and control at every stage of the strawberry's life cycle, thus guaranteeing higher yields and better production quality.

Want to grow top quality strawberries?

Want to grow top quality strawberries?

Let us help you find the best solution for your strawberry production need!

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Open field precision irrigation

Open field precision irrigation

Today, open field crop farmers face many challenges. You need a solution that fits your culture, soil, climate and your topography. Above all, an ideal solution for your crop rotation and business model.

Find out how precision irrigation can help you.

Precision irrigation

Precision irrigation

You do not need additional fertilisers to improve the quality of your crops. 

Localised fertigation provides nutrients directly to the roots of each plant in the required quantities and at the most appropriate time.

Our products

Our products

Whatever your challenges, we have the solution for precision irrigation products to help you achieve your goals.