Precision fertigation: Better crops, every time.

Precision fertigation: Better crops, every time.

To grow high yields of high quality, you need to make sure every plant thrives with precisely the right mix of nutrients and water throughout the growing season.

Meet Precision Fertigation

Besides weather vagaries, what are the most critical concerns for Indian farmers?

It is the amounts of water and nutrients to the crops that they wish they could control, and the compulsion to use fertilizer for the entire season at once! The prevalence of these conditions for years has resulted in uncontrolled yields for farmers, thus adding to their already existing problems. So, what is the solution here? Yes, it is precision fertigation!

Precision fertigation helps the right quantities of water and nutrients directly to the crop roots, and also helps minimize the application of fertilizers, thus helping increase the crop yield, as well as its quality. Besides, it also safeguards the losses incurred out of diseases, reducing crop prices, and unpredictable weather patterns.

Nurture the Crops in the Right Manner!

Fertigation is all about enriching the crops with the right nutrient quantities, combinations, and at the right timings. Precision fertigation, in turn, and as the word precision suggests, indicates the right combination of nutrients and water directly to the root zone of the crop, based on the crop development cycles, thus ensuring a comparatively higher quantity and the quality of yield.

Precision fertigation injection system is an alternative towards controlling your fertilizer investments, through tweaking the fertilizer dosages on demand in accordance with the requirements. These controlled fertilizer dosages would prevent issues such as groundwater contamination and leaching.

Netafim, one of the global agricultural enterprises, designs the best and the most appropriate and precision fertigation programs, based on the soil and the crop type. We use our global expertise and experience in the local context to ensure that precision fertigation brings the desired results and helps farmers plan and project the crop yield and its quality.

Use cases for precision fertigation

Precision fertigation increases crop quality, no matter the crop, climate or region. It’s ideal for:

Managing plant nutrients in tropical climates

Managing plant nutrients in tropical climates

If your region gets plenty of rain, water won’t be an issue. But plant nutrition is a different story. Precision fertigation puts you ahead of your competitors by ensuring higher efficiency of your fertilizer usage resulting in higher yields and better returns for your agricultural inputs.

Protected crops

Protected crops

If you’re running a greenhouse, you’re used to controlling every drop of water. But precision fertigation goes further by sending a precise mix of water and nutrients through the same delivery system, in an automated, personalized schedule.

Row and horticultural crops

Row and horticultural crops

Fertilizers are one of your major inputs. Precision fertigation is a smart way to get better results without increasing your input costs. By delivering nutrients directly to the root zone, it’ll lower your costs, increase your productivity and raise your crop’s profitability.

Growers stories

Meet the people pioneering precision irrigation

Dan Luepkes turned his worst ground into his best.

“We can outproduce the best ground in this area with some of the poorest soils.” 

Dan Luepkes

Corn, USA


Nikhil Chougule found a better way to grow turmeric.


"Irrigating through automated drip solution gives more than fabulous results."

Nikhil Chougule

Turmeric, Maharashtra

Crop knowledge

Increase your farm’s profitability with the help of our agronomic experts

To maximize both your yields and your long-term success, our agronomists work with you, offering personalized support, guidance and best practices every step of the way. Whatever your challenges, they’ll provide you with the most accurate, up-to-date global intelligence on how to use precision irrigation to improve your yields and crop quality, based on over 50 years of experience.

Learn more

Precision fertigation systems

To send precisely the right mix of nutrients and water, you need technology that automates your decisions and gets it right, every time. Get the digital farming technology you need to automate irrigation and fertilization, and monitor your crops. 

Find the best fertigation system for you
Want to learn more about precision fertigation?

Want to learn more about precision fertigation?

Get in touch, and we can talk about what your crop needs.