Dripnet PC AS XR with orange stripes

DripNet PC™ ASXR

The drip Line optimized for subsurface drip irrigation with active protection against root intrusion and clogging and a perfect cost-performance ratio

DripNet PC™ ASXR integral pressure compensated self-cleaning drippers combine Anti-Siphon technology with extra root intrusion resistance (ASXR) to deliver long-lasting uniform subsurface irrigation in any topography. 

  • Embedded copper oxide for long-lasting protection against root intrusion
  • Anti-Siphon mechanism prevents dirt suction and reduces clogging risk during system draining

Why DripNet PC™ AS XR?

  • Crops are protected against root intrusion better than all other options, this is achieved by utilising a patented root inhibitor within the dripper cover that inhibits root intrusion into the dripper labyrinth.

  • Long lasting protection due to non migrating protection materials embedded in the dripper cover.
  • Pressure compensated: Precise and equal amounts of water are delivered over a broad pressure range. 100% uniformity of water and nutrient distribution along the laterals.

  • Anti-siphon mechanism: Prevents contaminants from being drawn into the dripper, which is needed in sub-surface applications and where mulch covers the dripperlines

  • Continuously self flushing: Continuously flushing debris, throughout operation, not just at the beginning or end of a cycle, ensuring uninterrupted dripper operation.

  • Self-flushing system with wide filtration area improves resistance to clogging thus making DripNet PC™ AS XR highly resistant when using low quality water, which leads in reduction in filtration requirements, hence increasing filtration efficiency.

  • TurboNet™ labyrinth assures wide water passages, large deep and wide cross section improves clogging resistance. The water is drawn in to the dripper from the stream center, preventing the entrance of sediments in to the drippers.


Specifications of DripNet PC ™ AS XR

  • Flow rates: 0.60, 1.00 & 1.60 ℓ/h
  • Pressure-compensating range: 0.5 - 4.0 bar
  • Extra protection against root intrusion , with an anti-siphon mechanism
  • Recommended filtration: according to dripper flow rate. Filtration method is to be selected based on the kind and concentration of the dirt particles existing in the water. Wherever sand exceeds 2 ppm in the water, a Hydrocyclone is to be installed before the main filter.When sand exceeds 20 ppm and when total suspended solids exceed 150 ppm, pre treatment will be applied according to Netafim™ expert team’s instructions.
  • TurboNet™ labyrinth with large water passage.
  • Injected dripper, very low CV.
  • Injected silicon diaphragm.
  • High UV resistance. Resistant to standard nutrients used in agricultural.


Specifications of DripNet PC ™ AS XR


Dripperlines & Drippers Catalogue

Dripperlines & Drippers Catalogue

Growers stories

Meet the people pioneering precision irrigation


Bruce Nicholson increased his sugarcane yields by 50%
“What we’re achieving is a huge inspiration for anyone.”

Bruce Nicholson

Sugarcane, South Africa

" I was excited about subsurface drip irrigation - I could irrigate more hectares of maize, using less water." 

Danie Minnaar 

Danie Minnaar 

Maize, Free State, South Africa

"Easy to use & huge water savings" 

Hannes Erasmus, Wansbeck 

Wine Grapes, Western Cape, South Africa 

Other DripNet PC™ Models

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Multi-seasonal (4-9 seasons) on-surface row crops irrigation; deciduous plantation and tree irrigation in flat and complex topographies

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Need help finding the best solution for your farm?

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