Multi-Outlet Drippers (MOD)

MOD Assemblies deliver superior uniformity and higher plant values.

With the growing demands of today’s high production scale operations, hand watering is no longer a viable option. An automated Netafim MOD watering system is the perfect solution. This results from having a highly uniform top-quality crop – which is what to expect when water and fertilizer uniformity are improved.

Water on foliage and flowers can spread disease rapidly. By applying water directly to the pot, the rest of the plant remains dry. Additionally, pesticides which are applied to the foliage are not washed off by daily watering. This can reduce the need for spraying – further lowering production costs – and decrease run-off contamination. Payback for a complete system is usually within the first season of operation. The chart to the right shows just how quickly your Netafim MOD system will start paying you back.

Online Drippers & Arrow Drippers, Blueberries, South Africa 5

Why Multi-Outlet Drippers

A Labor-Saving Drip System for Watering Potted Plants

Netafim’s MODs feature both pressure compensation and a built-in check valve. This combination of features (referred to as PCNL) is the highest level of technology available in drippers today. It ensures that every plant will receive exactly the same amount of water and fertilizer regardless of where the plant is located within the system. Each dripper adjusts itself automatically to the system pressure and elevation so that even on rolling or sloped ground, the uniformity of watering is 94%. The built-in check valve prevents unwanted drainage of the system onto the lowest plants when the watering cycle is completed.

Product Advantages

  • Manifold Versatility: When many small pots are to be watered, two manifold assemblies can be stacked together to create an 8-Way assembly. The flow per pot is then 0.25 gallons per hour (GPH). For every 10 gallons per minute (GPM) available, 2,000 pots can be watered.

  • Flexible and Portable: The flat manifold separates for easy storage or transport in a box or bundle. The dripper supply tubing (with the dripper attached) can then be rolled up without tangling the spaghetti tubes. If a different plant spacing is desired, simply change the manifold.


  • Potted Plants

MOD Components

  • 3 Manifold Options
    • Flat 4-Way manifold is usually combined with the 2.0 GPH WPCJL Dripper - 0.50 GPH per plant.
    • Flat 2-Way Stackable manifold is usually combined with the 1.0 GPH WPCJL Dripper - 0.50 GPH per plant.
    • Combine 2-way and 4-way manifolds to create additional configurations.
  • 2 Angle Arrow Dripper Options
    • The standard Angle Arrow Dripper is 6 3/8” in length and is used for large pots.
    • The Short Angle Arrow Dripper is 3 3/4” in length and is ideal for 4” to 5” pots.
  • PC Drippers
  • Polyethylene Tubing


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